Move it March

Created by Claire 31st March 2021 This event has closed


Daniel has been keen for some time now to raise money for Bolton Hospice to thank them for taking such good care of his Nanna Jackie and the Move it March event has got him very excited! Mummy has agreed to join in the fun and our mission is to complete 30 minutes of exercise each day throughout the whole of March so watch out for lots of pics in here and on Facebook of us getting our move on! We are super proud of Daniel for committing to this event and would be extremely grateful for your donations. If £50 is raised Daniel will receive a certificate and if £120 is raised a medal so would love to hit those targets. Bolton Hospice are a charity that are mainly funded by local people and need to raise around £4 million pounds a year to continue to provide their services for free. With so many fundraising events cancelled due to the pandemic every penny counts in making a difference to both patients and their families. Thank you so much in advance for your support - it really does mean a lot. Daniel and his Mummy


We smashed it!

31st March 2021
A huge thank you for all the amazing support and incredibly generous donations - Daniel is so thrilled and proud as we are of him too! Our last few days have seen more fitness workouts which have become a real hit with Daniel and include Pokemon, Minecraft and Super Heroes. He's also done a lengthy football training session on Monday while I chose a walk in the sunshine plus we both had a trip to the park yesterday too - Daniel on his scooter and me on foot! So super proud of Daniel with this challenge as he's risen to the 30 minutes moving every day and never tried to make excuses as raising monies for the hospice really has meant so much to him. We have agreed to keep moving together as it's been so much fun and got our thinking caps on for Daniel's next fundraiser too!

Almost there already!

27th March 2021
Honestly can't believe how fast this challenge has passed as already on 27th March! Dan has been an absolute superstar and powered on determined to raise funds for Bolton Hospice making us all so proud! We have found lots of fun fitress ways to get our move on as well smashing out the 30 minutes and in the last few days discovered some new ones including a Minecraft battle which was a hit! A trip to the park on Friday after school with Dan on his scooter and me donning my walking shoes with a visit to Ridgmont today for football fun for the boys and a lovely walk through the daffodils for me!

A sniffly boy powers on!

23rd March 2021
A boy with the sniffles since coming home from school on Monday but it hasnt held him back! We are powering on with our moving and at Dan's request had two days of the kids fitness sessions including Pokemon and Minecraft! Lots of fresh air at weekend on the football pitch made a difference so my plan is to get the boy outside for the next few days....will report back! Thanks so much again for your amazing support. ..really means so much to all of us here and at Bolton Hospice!

The mega moving continues!

20th March 2021
So proud of Daniel who is powering on through this challenge and despite coming home tired from school is keeping his commitment to raise money for the hospice! We have been enjoying a variety of fitness workout battles including Pokemon and DC Super Heroes, football, walks to the park plus yoga workouts too which included Minecraft! This challenge has definitely made me realise what fab fun ways to move their are for kids and its been great to see Daniel so proud of his efforts! Huge thanks to all for your amazing sponsorship. It really does mean the world to us and will make such a difference in these challenging times for Bolton Hospice. If you want to check out our pics of us moving there are lots on Facebook in our Move it March album!

Powering on with March moving!

13th March 2021
A busy first week back at school didn't stop us as we kept out commitment to 30 minutes moving every day with Daniel proudly telling everyone how he is raising monies for Bolton Hospice! Day 7 lovely family walk to Borsdane Woods - our first and won'tbe our last as really enjoyed it! Day 8 First day back at school tired the boy out so we turned to Just Dance for some fun to get our move on! Day 9 saw a trip to the football pitch for a training session and a good kick around - not long to go now until back with his team! Day 10 Kids fitness galore today enjoying workouts from Minecraft, Pac Man and Fortnite. Day 11 Just Dance warm up, Pokemon Fitness and Pokemon Yoga to tire us out before bed after a late moving more session following guitar lesson Day 12 was a celebratory trip to the park to burn off some steam after a very happy first week back at school! Day 13 took us out into the garden for some much needed weeding to clear the borders after the winter - it's bow looking beautiful with spring flowers!

Days 4, 5 and 6

6th March 2021
We are powering through our first week and enjoying the mega moving together! Day 4 - Just Dance requested by Daniel and an energetic 30 minutes strutting our stuff to some of the classics! Day 5 - A walk up to the park today with a stroll around the perimeter for me and a play for Daniel with Daddy before walking back again. Great to get out for some fresh air after our final homeschooling morning! Day 6 - loving this challenge as meaning we are searching out new fun moving more ways and today's Pokemon Fitness was a real hit with Daniel!

Day 2 and 3 Update

3rd March 2021
Day 2 brought Pokemon Yoga which was a real hit with Daniel as there were battles with some of his favourite characters saving the day! Day 3 was mummies choice and we ventured out to Bobsie for a walk enjoying watching the sticks downstream before a game of tag on the field!

Day 1 smashed

1st March 2021
Daniel's choice today of Just Dance so we got our groove on for 30 minutes! Lots of giggles and worked up a sweat too!

Raring to go!

28th February 2021
Huge thank you for your donations - they are very much appreciated and will help spur us on! We are all set and have our activity tracker ready to record our moving more every day. Daniel tells me it's dog walking tomorrow which has pleased Max! We will share pics as we go and keep you updated!